This is my trading file to organise and jot down my take on the market .I do Technical Analysis. This blog is to keep track of my baby steps so that I can look back at my journey .Looking back tells me how far I have come from days when I knew nothing and can go further .It gives me motivation to keep going on even when I am tired. One has to back up trading with their own studies. The charts I post here are 99% inspired from Ilango sir.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Exploring Camarilla trading

13th March 2012

Intraday Trading Using Camarilla , so for next one month lets follow this method and see what are the gains . In my EOD updates I will also write the gains/Losses by this method .
Stock name Nifty
Open 5420.1
High 5420.1
Low 5327.4
Close 5360

HL5  5453  LL5 5,267
HL4 5411 Break Out on the Upper Side             Break Out on the Lower Side LL4 5,309
HL3 5385 Go Long above these                         Go Short Below These LL3 5,335

We opened at 5391  between H4 and H3 we go long on breakout of H4 which is 5411 , and keep SL at H4+H3/2 = 5398  .

Update on Camarilla Trade ..

As we get to 5435 lvls we part book and move the SL= 5413  to cover brokerage incase we break 5413.
If I enter trade with just 1 lot then , Intraday I am good with 20 points ...if at all it goes above 20 points then keep trailing the SL.

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