This is my trading file to organise and jot down my take on the market .I do Technical Analysis. This blog is to keep track of my baby steps so that I can look back at my journey .Looking back tells me how far I have come from days when I knew nothing and can go further .It gives me motivation to keep going on even when I am tired. One has to back up trading with their own studies. The charts I post here are 99% inspired from Ilango sir.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Personally this week is super busy , Posting here has become a routine life unless I am really occupied or I don't know what to write :) .
I will try my best to post the hour Hi lo ema with 34 ema trades sheet EOD, though I will not be taking any of the trades if genrated ., as I will be away from terminal for rest of this week . Moreover this is expiry week , expected to be volatile .