This is my trading file to organise and jot down my take on the market .I do Technical Analysis. This blog is to keep track of my baby steps so that I can look back at my journey .Looking back tells me how far I have come from days when I knew nothing and can go further .It gives me motivation to keep going on even when I am tired. One has to back up trading with their own studies. The charts I post here are 99% inspired from Ilango sir.

Monday, 12 December 2011

EOD 12/12/2011

In the above chart I have plotted simply 5 hour High MA(Blue ) , 5 hour Low MA( Black ) bands and the Pink line is the daily closing of pirces. A very simple trading strategy can be as the prices move above the blue band it is Buy signal and vise versa .

For past two trading sessions it is giving very good returns ,
today morning a sell signal was generated as the pink line crossed the black line to down .I keep updating the prices at the end of every 15 mins in my charts so that I can keep trailing my SL . One can buy min 2 lots for the max returns .

EW : We might be in the 3rd wave of C to down . looking at the implusive behaviour of the waves today.
 we can count C in 5 waves  as
1.5099-4841 =258
3 presently going on in 5 waves .( should travel min = 258 ====4660)