This is my trading file to organise and jot down my take on the market .I do Technical Analysis. This blog is to keep track of my baby steps so that I can look back at my journey .Looking back tells me how far I have come from days when I knew nothing and can go further .It gives me motivation to keep going on even when I am tired. One has to back up trading with their own studies. The charts I post here are 99% inspired from Ilango sir.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Hourly high Low combined with 34 ema on 30 min TF

Link to this excel file is Hi Lo Ema

P:S : I think the background color  in 5 ema 10 ema are not right . but the purpose of post is to combine hour Hi lo with 34 ema on 30 mins TF.

We have hourly closing prices of Nifty along with 5 hour hi low and close emas

we know the 4 rules that sir taught as in

When prices move above Low ema and closes ; Buy on dips to High ema +
When prices move above High ema and closes ; Buy and Hold as upward momentum picks up .
When prices move Below High ema and closes ; Sell on rises to Low ema -
When prices move below Low ema and closes ; Sell and Hold as downward momentum picks up .

Accordingly we have cols K and L which will have a value '1" if the close prices was less than 5 hour close ema and 5 hour Low ema .
Col M has a value if prices closed below 34 ema on 30 min TF
( Since this is an hour chart , I have calculated 17 ema to make it equal to 34 ema on 30 min TF)
Now if the prices have closed in such a way that all three cols ( K AND L AND M )  have 1 in them then
N will be 1 suggesting a Sell . As long as N has 1 one should hold position with 20 points SL.
And For a BUY

and Clos O and P which tell us if the close price was above 5 hour close ema and 5 hour High ema. Along with col Q which has a '1' if prices closed above 34 ema on 30 min TF .
Now if the prices have closed in such a way that all three cols ( O AND P AND Q ) have 1 in them then
R will be 1 suggesting a Buy. As long as R has 1 one should hold position with 20 points SL.

If we apply a filter of 10-15 points above hour Low ema ( In case of Sell) and Below Hour High ema ( In case of buy ) , We may avoid taking the trades more number of time s .
If we do not apply the filter we come out at 5206.
As sir says taking min 2 lots and part booking can increase the returns.

Like today it suggested a sell at 5217 at 10:00 close and at 1:00 close prices closed right at hour low ema 5206 , making to square of the trade . Then at 2:00 close they closed at 5203 ( 4 points above hour low ema)
so If we apply filter of 10 - 15 points max then we could have been still in trade .
till the end of the day .


dayakar said...

Dear Smita,
Good Evening. hope you made today good.
i also made good. i got 56 points in MININIFTY. I am happy. could you kindly give the above file to me. so that i also trade like that. if i prepare that i don't know how to program to get colours. kindly share me the file. no obligation. just request.
thank you.

Smita said...

Dayakar ji ,

The above file is made with the help of Ilango sir's TA file that he uploads everyday ...
On excel I added another sheet to that TA file and gave reference to the hour sheet's corresponding value .
If you can figure that out good ...otherwise let me know I will share the copy I have kept with you which has this particular sheet have to key the hour OHLC as the day progresses .
No Dayakar ji , did not make a single penny ...I have some other things which is keeping me busy so am just observing ..its good in a way that it is giving me time to test it .
Pls test this before you put your money .

dayakar said...

Dear Smita,
Good Morning.
one lot i am having in position. now if today during market time if nifty crossed and closed above JnSar level then i must reverse. okey. fine. in which time frame i should do this. kindly help me. yesterday i am whipsawed in intra-day. we must find some logic to avoid this whipsaws. once i get your email i will discuss logic through that if you permit.
Thank you.

Smita said...

Dayakar ji ,
As per my understanding if one is following JNsar then no time frame is to be followed ...As soon as JNSAR number comes on screen "act" with a 20 point SL. Even if it whipsaws soon it will be in the direction of trend. i will miss JNsar this time as am away from terminal for rest of this week.


dayakar said...

Dear Smita,
Thank you very much.

Prakash said...

Hi Smita Madam
Can I get the excel file. My Mail-

Smita said...

Hi Prakash ,

Sorry for replying late , here is the link to the file I have uploaded it .
If you have any trouble let me know .

MudraVarsha said...

please send me the excel sheet or link to download. Above link is not working
Dipti Singh

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